We are a friendly Christian community located in Northwest Boise. We have been welcoming our neighbors into fellowship since 1913 when the Collister neighborhood was just an orchard! Whether you're checking out God and church for the first time or looking for a new place to call home, Collister welcomes you to worship with us (10:30 a.m.).
The two things that best define our community are hospitality and authenticity. We believe that all people are children of God and worthy of respect, love and a church family. All are welcome here. But we also believe that many churches fail to be truly authentic. Many who attend church feel that they must hide their problems, their shortcomings and their insecurities at church. This is so damaging. At Collister we feel strongly that authenticity is a core ingredient to the Christian life. Here we practice sharing our pain, our shortcomings and our need for one another in an open and loving community. Honesty is the key to every successful relationship and that includes our relationship with God. Because of this conviction, Collister works hard to ensure that everyone who feels excluded from church or from the love of God has a place to call home. We confess that we have been complacent in our work against systemic racism and injustice in our church, our community, and our nation. This site serves as a tool to help us and others: